The first phase of the total lunar eclipse of today. Barely visible through clouds.

The visibility during the total phase swiched between "not visible at all" and "barely visible" as the cloud layer shifted.

Nå er det bare å vente på en delvis solformørkelse ved midnatt 1.-2. juni 2011 og neste totale måneformørkelse 10. desember 2011 mellom kl 15 og 16.
As the moon moved out of the umbra it was easier to spot, mostly because an increased brightness.
Cool pictures. We watched this last night, too. Local time was between 1 & 4 AM, but we just happened to be up:) My DH took several pictures, also. We were fortunate because the clouds cleared out before it started and we had a very good view.
It happened here in Brisbane at about 7pm - I took my grandchildren outside to see it, but they were more impressed by the display of Christmas lights on our neighbour's house!
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