Temaet for skjerfet er svaner, men siden min stola er grønn, blir det en påfugl i stedet. I dag har jeg strikket vingene som er formet som en slags kile. Det gjør at det er vanskelig å strekke ut stolaen. I tillegg er jeg ikke hjemme og har ikke utstyr til å strekke ut med, men bildet burde gi et inntrykk av 5. mønsterdel.
English summary
I did try to take it slow, but had to finish 5th Clue after having started. This part is a wedge and makes it difficult to make a preliminary dressing. But then I do not have the equipment to dress with me anyway. The photo should give an impression of the 5th part of the stole.
I love your lacework!
And beautiful work on the MS3.
But I have a feeling some of that is lost in translation...a paragraph of Norwegian? results in a sentence in English. ;-)
Hi, Anne, what beautiful knitting! When I read your message today on MS3 about it ending soon, I thought you might be interested in another Yahoo Group mystery stole that is starting at the end of September. It is called the "Secret of Chrysopolis", and though it is in German the pattern is going to be in English, too--I see on your MS3 posts and your blog that you speak/write English very well!
I hope you continue to enjoy your knitting journey!
Cheers, Wendy
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