Her kan du følge med på mine håndarbeidsprosjekter, og andre ting jeg finner ut passer her.
This is a blog for my needlework projects – primarily. The main language is Norwegian. I’ll have a short English summary but not a translation of the entire text.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Noen ganger går det galveien
Finner du foskjellen mellom motivet til venstre og det til høyre?
Do you spot the difference between the motif to the left and that to the right?
Feilen på det til høyre og tre til, er årsaken til at jeg nå er tilbake på omgang 11 igjen...
The error on the one to the right and three more, is the reason why I'm back at row 11...
Wow, it would make me cry to cut out such a large section from round eleven, but I understand needing to fix the error. Your doily is impressive and lovely.
I had to enlarge the scans to see and I see you made some motifs with more picots than others - but you still joined in the center and the overall integrity is the same. I would not have cut it out. If it changed the shape, yes, but the difference is minor. Unless you are entering this in a competition, and in that case, you have no choice.
You are making this for someone else, aren't you? - so I can completely understand that you had to cut it out, I would have done the same thing. Once the cut has been made, I find that all the worrying about whether you should or shouldn't goes away, and then you feel quite calm again, and happy that you did it! But that amount of cutting out would, perhaps, require a small sherry or three.....
Oh Wow! I totally understand getting out the scissors. I probably would have too...after setting it aside for a day or two. Maybe even sitting down to read a sad story so the tears would have an explanation! I'm rooting for you to find the patience to finish the work. Hang in there. It's looking SO good!
Wow, it would make me cry to cut out such a large section from round eleven, but I understand needing to fix the error. Your doily is impressive and lovely.
I had to enlarge the scans to see and I see you made some motifs with more picots than others - but you still joined in the center and the overall integrity is the same. I would not have cut it out. If it changed the shape, yes, but the difference is minor. Unless you are entering this in a competition, and in that case, you have no choice.
You and my DH would get along really well together, Anne. He cannot allow even a picture on the wall to be 1/8" off center!
You will feel better when you have fixed it but it seems such a shame to have had to cut it! WAAHH!
That must have been frustrating beyond belief. I too had to look closely to find the error and even after I found it I still thought it looked good.
You are making this for someone else, aren't you? - so I can completely understand that you had to cut it out, I would have done the same thing. Once the cut has been made, I find that all the worrying about whether you should or shouldn't goes away, and then you feel quite calm again, and happy that you did it!
But that amount of cutting out would, perhaps, require a small sherry or three.....
Oh Wow! I totally understand getting out the scissors. I probably would have too...after setting it aside for a day or two. Maybe even sitting down to read a sad story so the tears would have an explanation! I'm rooting for you to find the patience to finish the work. Hang in there. It's looking SO good!
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