Sunday, February 22, 2009

Rekostruksjon pågår

Nuperelleskolen The Online Tatting Class, har som prosjekt å rekonstruere en gammel nuperellebok av Emmanuel Bocher, publisert i 1912. Oppgaven er å ta et gammelt mønster, gjenta det etter gammel metode og oversette det til mer moderne teknikker. Jeg har side 28. Dette er en rapport av arbeidet med den siden.

English version
The Online Tatting Class has embarked on a mission of recreating the 1912 Emmanuel Bocher Tatting Book. So far I have been working on page 28. The tiny motif consist of two rows of 2-2-2-2 rings separated with bare threads. The fun part is that the bare threads of the two rows are twisted together!

When I first studied the pattern and tried to reproduce it, I could not get the twisted thread right when using the method described. Then I was told the last part was done using a needle as a shuttle. That resolved the problem and explained something else that had been puzzling me: why was the longest motif only 3 rings long?

The original way of making this motif is like this:

  • Tat 2 or 3 2-2-2-2 rings separated by bare thread and joined the usual way
  • Tat 1 2-2-2-2 ring
  • Cut the thread in the length needed to tat 1-2 rings
  • Use a blunt needle to get the tread under the bare thread separating two rings
  • Use the same needle as a shuttle when tatting the next ring, joining as usual

The cutting of the thread explains why the motifs are small; you don't want a too long thread on the needle.

Another way of making the motif is using two shuttles and the CTM (continuous thread method). Now there is no cutting of the thread and no limit on how long you can make the motif. You don't even have to cut the thread when making several motifs joined together.

Start by winding two shuttles CTM style.

Tat 2 2-2-2-2 rings that are not joined and twist the shuttle threads. This twist will be on the bare thread separating the rings on one row.

Tat one 2+2-2-2 rings with each of the shuttles, joining to the previous made by the same shuttle.

Continue until the motif is as long as you want it.

If you want more motifs connected, replace one 2+2-2-2 ring with a SR 2+2/2-2.

Join as many motifs as you want.

This picture shows how to work using two shuttles and splitrings for moving on to the next motif.

This reconstruction was fun doing! Now to find another page to reconstruct :-)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Arbeid pågår

På noe som skal bli stort (men som også lages i tykk tråd), og noe krunglete.

English summary
Work in progress.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

En liten ommøblering


Jeg er i ferd med å lage en samling videoer som viser hvordan man slår nupereller. Dette medførte en omlegging i "hvordan slå nuperelle" delen på

English summary
I have made some minor alterations and added some videos on my tatting site (click on the links in the left coloumn of that page). All in Norwegian at the moment - sorry.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Ny Ixus!

Det er en stund siden min gamle Ixus sviktet meg, men nå har jeg "fått" meg en ny! Første bilde er av en mønstertest av ett av mønstrene som er lagt ut i forbindelse med kveldens time i nuperelleklassen jeg følger. Jeg bare måtte se om mønsteret lot seg omgjøre til noe som kunne gjøres sammenhengende. Jeg brukte to farger for at det skulle være lettere å se hva jeg har gjort. Mitt nye Ixus klarte å lage et helt greit bilde uten blits selv om jeg ikke brukte stativ. Bildet er kuttet for å få fram det som var målet.

English summary
I have a new camera!

And the image is of a test of one of the patterns for todays lesson in the Online tatting class.